Please see some of the damage our home owners have been amazed at. All of these photos are not typical, but it may be what these "Cute Little Critters" can do. Since we have been providing Wildlife Control for 27 Northeastern Ohio Counties Since "1998" the destruction cause by wildlife SHOULD NOT be left to a novice as some photos show. Some or these were attempts by the home owner or neighbor to deter entry or clean up of wildlife damage and feces. Your families health should be very important to you. Wildlife feces or urine in your residence can and will promote a health concern. Please note, not all damage may be this extreme, some may be covered under your homeowner's policy, and some may only require trapping and re-locating. BUT, IF WILDLIFE HAS ENTERED YOUR RESIDENCE, PROPER ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN BY A PROFESSIONAL FIRM, such as ourselves. If you have any questions, please call me;(440) 669-4499 or Additional Information Can Be Found On Our Web Sites or
Thank You Ken