raccoons bad animals? Certainly not. They can be described as cute and talented, and are well adapted to survive in both the
forest and the city. They get into trouble with people because they are so adaptable, clever, and handy. As with all animals,
they usually just do what they need to do to survive
Oftentimes this me means
ripping a hole in your
roof and living in your attic. It's true that once inside, they can really trash the place. They will usually rip up the duct
work, tear the insulation off of pipes, rip up wires, trample or pull up the insulation, rip off any paper lining, and sometimes
even damage wood joists. The bigger problem may be the biohazardous contamination they cause. They urinate and defecate in
the attic, and the droppings can contain raccoon roundworm - transferable to humans, or diseases such as canine distemper,
transferable to your pets.

They also may bring in
the fleas and other parasites associated with wild animals. It's just the way they are. In many of the jobs that I take on,
the customer has already purchased all matter of magic "raccoon-b-gone" or "coon-away" type repellents. These repellents are
usually comprised of either naphthalene (moth balls) or predator urine (fox or coyote) or ammonia. I've personally observed
dozens of cases in which customers have loaded their attics with these sorts of gimmicks, and it doesn't affect the raccoon's
behavior one bit. Please don't try to do it yourself. If you have a raccoon problem; you should to deal with
it correctly, with the proper removal, sanitation, and restoration of area, for your families own good and for that of the
A Family of Raccoons Did This !!!! |
