Wildlife & Environmental Solutions

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Ohio Bats Page 1 of 3
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Ohio Bats - Page 3 of 3
Bat Exclusion
Guano (Bat Feces) Removal
Myths or Facts About Bats
Ohio Raccoons & Damage They Can Cause
Squirrels, Meet Your Enemy
Skunks & Odors
Beaver Information
Chimney, Deck & Crawl Space Screening
Questions & Answers
Home Owner's Insurance
Wildlife Information
Diseases From Common Wildlife
Northeast Ohio Points of Interest
NEW SERVICE Bees and Hives Info

Nuisance Wildlife Control is a specialty business. It requires a unique set of skills and more knowledge than most people realize. It is also a field with unique risks. Nuisance wildlife control operators take care of difficult problems that few people can properly or safely handle. I am not some backwoods bucktoothed yokel trapper. I am a college educated and state licensed professional. People seem to have no problem paying the electrician or plumber for their skills, and you won't find them crawling in a hot attic to remove a litter of raccoons with an angry mother raccoon lurking nearby!


Many people have the mindset that wild animal problems should be taken care of for free. This stems from the time when state and county agencies did indeed take care of wild animal problems. However, as the problem grew, they stopped providing this service, and it is now in the hands of the private sector - the nuisance wildlife trapper. I don't get state funding. No one is giving me a truck, traps, equipment, gasoline, insurance, phone service, advertising, and the myriad of other expenses necessary to run a professional operation. I must pay for these things myself. Some people seem to understand this, and others don't.


I feel a little exasperated when a surprised person on the telephone utters, "You mean I got to pay for this?". Yes, you do, but please be aware that you are paying for a special service. I find that all of my customers feel that they have received a very good value, after they talk to me in person, and get their problem quickly and professionally taken care of.

Please remember when dealing with a Wildlife problem, it is always advisable to contact a professional, such as ourselves, for Safety and Health Reasons before you attempt to resolve any problem that might be present. Always remember that your dealing with a WILD ANIMAL and your health and your families health MUST BE your 1st concern.

Please Visit Our NEW Service Bees & Hives

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Contact Ken At (440) 669-4499 or SolutionWildlife@SBCGlobal.net
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