Portage County In 1895 |

from Trumbull, June 7, 1807; all that part of the Reserve west of the Cuyahoga and south of the townships numbered five was
also annexed as part of the county, and the temporary seat of justice appointed at the house of Benjamin TAPPAN. The name
was derived from the old Indian portage path of about seven miles in length, between the Cuyahoga and Tuscarawas, which was
within its limits. The surface is slightly rolling; the upland is generally sandy or gravelly, and the flat land to a considerable
extent clay. The county was wealthy and thriving, and the dairy business was largely carried on.The cheese industry in this
county, as in others of the Western Reserve, had grown to very large proportions; hence the term CHEESEDOM has sometimes,
in slang parlance, been applied to this section of the State. The beginning of this industry dates from the first settlement,
when, as soon as the pioneer cabin was up, and the family domiciled, the women prepared for cheese- making. A rail or pole
with one end under the lower log of the cabin, and lying across a rudely- constructed cheese-hoop, with a weight attached
to the outer end, constituted the primitive cheese-press.

Townships, Villages, and Communties In Portage County We Have Been Providing Service For Since 1998:
Wildlife & Environmental
Owned and Operated
by Ken Franklin
We provide a wide
range of services for the Portage County Area:
Exclusion & Guano Removal
& Restoration of Affective Areas
Screens & Deck Screening
Odors and Dead Animal Removal
Beavers, Squirrels, Trapping
& Humane Removal of Wildlife
Can Provide Service and Repairs That MAY BE COVERED Under Your Home Owner's Insurance for Damage Caused by Wildlife.
Please, Call If You Have Any Questions And Ask For Ken.
Or Email
Wildlife & Environmental
Solutions has been providing professional wildlife control for both residential & commercial customers in the Portage
County area "Since 1998". We are capable of handling any type of wild animal problem, from squirrels or raccoons in the attic,
bat removal and control, trapping, screening of chimneys or decks, to complete sanitization and restoration of the area affected.
Hopkins Mill - Built 1804 |

Wildlife & Environmental
Solutions professionals will provide the complete solution for your problem. If you need to rid your residence of those “pesky
critters” with the care and the expertise required, call:
& Environmental Solutions
(440) 669-4499
There are many pest control
companies servicing Portage County, but most deal with extermination of insects. We deal strictly with wild animals. Wildlife
& Environmental Solutions are not merely trappers, but, licensed and insured, professional full-services nuisance wildlife
control operators. We offer and provide advanced solutions to any and all of wildlife control needs, from trapping and removal
to affected area restoration and sanitization. In Northeast Ohio some of the wildlife species include raccoons, opossums, squirrels, rats, several
species of snakes and bats, and more. Many animals can cause considerable damage to a house, not to mention contamination.
We offer repairs of animal entry points and the biohazard cleanup needed, plus, we guarantee our work. All of our wildlife
trapping is done in a humane manner with proper removal from the residence. We at Wildlife & Environmental Solutions,
have and will offer, the best wildlife solutions in Northeast Ohio.
Bats Departing At Dusk |
