Please Click Here To Email Mail Me If You Have Had An Encounter With "Grassman aka Bigfoot"

A Trapper's
Dream Ohio's "GRASSMAN"
Is He or
She Fact or Fiction??
That Have Been Claimed In Northeast Ohio
The "Grassman" was named by early European settlers to the area now known as Ohio, who spotted a large man-like creature
roaming the grassy plains of the region during the 18th and 19th centuries. In January 1869, in Ohio's Gallia County, a man
and his daughter reported being attacked by a wild beast that they described as gigantic in size, with burning eyes and a
body covered in hair. The girl threw a rock at the creature, allowing herself and her father to escape after a long struggle.
Like Sasquatch (or "Bigfoot"), to whom it is often compared, the Ohio Grassman is a tall biped that walks upright
and stands some seven to eight feet tall. Witnesses report the Grassman as having broad shoulders and being covered in black
or dark brownish hair. The creature is also said to have a very muscular build and weigh anywhere from 300 to 1,000 pounds,
with large hands and feet.
The Grassman has been spotted in the forests and plains of the largely rural eastern part of Ohio, including in the
foothills of the Allegheny Mountains.
Ohio Grassman has been seen traveling in groups of several individuals, and may have engaged in cooperative hunting of deer,
indicating that it is more social than Bigfoot is believed to be. The Grassman has been seen often on or near farms, which
may be an important food source; in contrast, Bigfoot relies on non-cultivated food sources like berries and other forest
plans. There are indications that the Grassman either lives in caves or constructs crude dwellings from material found in
the forest.
Most Recent Reports
Possible Home of "The Grassman" |

Sightings or Encounters Reported In Northeast Ohio
Click on County To See Report
Minerva Monster
In August 1978, hunters with high-powered rifles, hunting dogs and lots of beer stalked a creature in a
wooded area off U.S. 30 behind the home of a Paris Township family. The beast was reported to be more than 6 feet tall
and 300 pounds, covered in dark, matted hair. It was said to have shown up often at the home of Herbert and Evelyn Cayton
-- so often that their daughter considered it a pet. One night, it stood at their kitchen window, directly under a security
light. Stark County deputies who investigated the sightings said they were not a hoax. Years later, they said they could still
not identify the hair samples. The animal was never found.
The Kenmore Grassman
In 1995, Bigfoot researchers
from Cincinnati came to Akron to check out claims of some local residents who said an unusual creature inhabited a swampy
area off Manchester Road. They called it ``The Grassman.'' One local resident said the creature has been around for at
least 30 years, and he'd seen footprints left by the animal many times as he camped and fished the canal in his childhood.
Investigators said they indeed made a cast of a three-toed footprint. Another resident told the investigators that in 1988,
he actually spotted the creature and it easily weighed 300 pounds. There have been other sightings including Summit, Portage,
Stark and Cuyahoga.
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