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Raccoons become a nuisance in many ways. "Coons" will raid unsecured trash cans,
steal pet food left outside or inside if left next to a cat or dog door, damage fruit and vegetable gardens, and take up residence
in your attic or chimney, typically, in the spring time when babies are born. Raccoons are one of the most common animals
nuisance wildlife controllers deal with due to the fact that they have adapted well to urban and suburban environments. Most
damage caused by raccoons occurs during the early spring when females are pregnant. Females have learned that human dwellings
are a great place to raise young. They will destroy soffits, tear off shingles, remove siding and chimney caps and take off mushroom vent caps
just to gain access to your home. Once inside they will destroy insulation and wires to modify the house to their liking.
droppings pose another threat altogether. Their droppings may contain Raccoon
Roundworm. Raccoons are the number one carrier of rabies and can spread Canine
Distemper. After raccoons have resided in the attic for any period of time insulation damage
is a common site. Loose fill insulation will become matted and compressed allowing heated air to escape into the attic in
the winter and hot air to enter the home in the summer. If the raccoons are inside your home raccoon
trapping, removal and exclusion are the only option. First, raccoons must be removed, only
then can all entrance points be sealed. After raccoon removal is complete the animal feces should be cleaned up, treat coon
feces as a biohazard, and the area disinfected and deodorized. We are one of Northeast Ohio’s premier animal
waste removal and insulation contractor.

Nuisance or sick raccoons may be trapped without a permit, but it is illegal (under Ohio Law) to live
trap and relocate them to a new area. Raccoons can transmit rabies, canine distemper, and parvovirus to domestic animals and humans In order to prevent the possible spread of raccoon diseases
in Ohio. All live trapped raccoons MUST be released again on the homeowner's property or humanely euthanized.
Nuisance or sick skunks and opossums may be trapped without a permit, but as with raccoons, they may not be relocated

Cute critters aren't they? You probably won't think so for long if you've
got 'um in your attic (walls, house, etc.). I'll skip over all the harm they can do and just say the longer they're
there the harder they will be to get rid of, and there are some horror stories. Forget about poisons, repellants (moth balls
are a myth), etc. Rat poison will just have them rotting and smelling in your walls anyway. Don't board up their
entry to shut 'um in or out (they just gnaw new holes). None of these methods are good enough. Once the squirrels have
been removed, their entry points must be secured Squirrels can entered the house
through the soffit at roof level, then into the attic, and began removing insulation from the walls. They can fit through
anything they can get their head through. Once inside, their curiosity drives them to explore. If you don't have a chimney
trap/guard it's an invitation. If they were there for a long time (2 years?) they will have left smells that will attract
more squirrels for a couple of years so be vigilant.