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How to
discourage skunks from living under you house or deck. I have received many enquiries on how to get rid of skunks that are living under a deck or house.
By screening in your deck and/or closing any openings around your residence, when the skunk returns
just before dawn finding no access, he will look for a NEW HOME.
As for the Odor he
may have left behind, we provide latest commercial method for odor removal in a residence.

Skunks use their strong-smelling spray to defend themselves—in fact
they don't have any other form of defense. The spray is composed of sulfuric acid that can be "fired" from either of two independently
operating anal glands. Skunks stamp their front feet as a warning when threatened, giving you a chance to back off. Dogs,
however, tend to ignore this warning. That's why it's hard to find a human who has been sprayed, but easy to find a dog who
has. Skunk odor on wayward pets may be neutralized with liberal amounts of vinegar or tomato juice. This will make the odor
tolerable—only time will eliminate it. A reported deodorant recipe for skunk spray that can be used on animals and clothes
includes these ingredients:
1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon DawnŽ liquid dish soap
Apply liberally and hold your nose!

Skunks are unusual, funny, amazing, friendly animals that just have a
bad reputation. Most complaints about skunks are attributable to rumor and falsehood, and a pungent defensive weapon. Skunks
learn quickly and remember well, especially when it comes to food, this often leads to "repeat offenses" and more bad press.
Skunks were once thought to be part of the same animal family as weasels, ferrets, and badgers. Now, thanks to DNA testing, they are recognized as more distantly related to other animals and were identified
as a separate family. The common striped skunk is the most well known in the United States, due to it's extensive habitat
range, it's size (up to 12 pounds), and it's distinctive striped markings. Domestic skunks are commonly bred from direct lines
of the striped skunk, however some cross breeding between the striped and hooded skunks is accepted as cause for the varied
colors and pattern markings on domestic skunks.
Wild skunks warn predators and competitors by stomping their front feet
and raising their tails in full bloom. Skunks will run directly toward a threat and stop (sometimes within inches), then stomp
and hiss or squeal. If the enemy doesn't heed the warnings the skunk will turn and spray. Skunks make sounds like a squealing
pig, they also grunt, whine, screech, and will even chirp like a bird..
Wild skunks come out in the evening and early morning hours usually resting
at night and sleeping during the day. In the winter and early spring skunks may be seen out of their dens at almost any time
of day, especially before and after long periods of snow cover or prolonged cold weather. Skunks do not hibernate in winter;
they do sleep more but will come out of the den to forage for food when they are not snowed in.
Skunks usually take over groundhog, rabbit, or fox dens; the typical den
is along a stream or ravine. Skunks will even allow groundhogs and rabbits to remain in the same den (except when the females
have young kits). Skunks are tolerant of other skunks, especially their family members, often a male will den with a harem
of females in the winter breeding months.
Wild skunks only live a few years (maximum of about 5) due to disease,
predatory birds, and the intentional and unintentional acts of man. Domestic skunks can live 15 years but 10 years is considered
the maximum, the average lifespan is about 7 years.
The main predators of the skunk are owls and other large birds of prey.
Most birds cannot smell much if at all and are not bothered by the skunk spray odor, and the birds strike fast from above,
so a skunk has little defense in their attacks.
Skunks are often blamed for causing problems in neighborhoods, digging
holes, spraying dogs, etc. Humans continue to trap and kill skunks as nuisance wildlife.
Skunks can not jump up or knock over your garbage can

If you have a wildlife problem, such as with a skunk OR
ANY WILDLIFE , it best be handled by a professional firm, such as ourselves. Then, and only then, can you have peace of
mind that that neither yourself, family member, or pet will be bitten or injured. Also, EXCLUSION to your residence
and if required, a biological cleanup will be done properly.